All dressed up in this photo, things have been a long time coming for Stars but my, how they’ve earned it.
When “Set yourself on fire” , already their third album, was released in 2004 we were firmly reminded that Stars is no inbetweener while off duty from other projects, namely Broken Social Scene. Amy Millan and Evan Cranley must have been cloned in order to pull off the schedule they’ve had in the past decade what with playing in BSS, solo record-making etc etc, there’s no other way…….luckily they survived the gruelling constant touring and now devote themselves to Stars.
The rest of Stars must have been lonely while they were gone so much but you’d hardly recognise it. Torquil Campbell sounds like a canadian Morrissey and Chris Seligman writes some mean pop tunes to match those songs so it would seem all that’s gone before, the tours between tours….the playing on other bands records instead of making their own…. has strengthened this band where as lesser ones would have folded. Can Canadian bands do no wrong? Answers on a postcard to 3’s place, 1234, Friedricxhainsberg, Burrlin.
It’ll also be nice to get back into the Postbahnhof for a gig……why no more shows there? Answers on a postcard to…….