Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings hit Huxleys with their world renowned live show. Their fourth album I learned the hard way released earlier this year is a heartbreaker of a record. Jones’ voice evokes the soul genius of James Brown, Aretha Franklin et al, all delivered in warm analog sound having been recorded on an eight-track tape machine at their very own Daptone Records‘ House of Soul studio in New York. It’s a great record and for those of you who always wanted to get more into soul music but never knew where to start then these modern day soulsters are the right place. The other place is Stax but that’s a whole other story. Enjoy the show, it’s worth the cash.
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings     jazz,soul,vocalist
Event Details
HEADLINERSharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
START DATEOctober 19
START TIME21:00:00
Event Categories:Gigs