A ‘Mahnwache’ is like a cheerful sort of protest, so unlike the other protests against the closure of the Liebig 14 squat, this one shouldn’t result in the riot squad being there and bottles hurling through the air. Shouldn’t do anyway.
Spread across three locations, the main chunks of the day takes place at X-B Liebig (34 Liebig Str) with a full day of workshops, performances, hot drinks and live sets from AeOEorna Krušwa, Mary Ocher, Geigerzhler among others.
Also during the day there’ll be more activities over at Convoi Wagenplatz (Rigaer Str 6-7) with fire barrels to keep warm and local funk punk act Budyet doing a show at 5pm. Sometime later there’s punk karaoke, which would be more fun than a barrel of monkeys drunk on a case of sternies.
Kicking of from 7pm there’s a massive lineup of bands at the Jugend Museum Galilakirche (Rigaerstrae 9-10) with Road Kill Zombies, Levitations, Zerfall and Sandy Bird all playing a set.
A really awesome day of music and adventure with some ace local bands getting up to play. And in support of a good cause too.