Shearwaters are medium-sized long-winged seabirds. So, you might not know this about Shearwater but they are birdwatchers. Yes, real birds. Main man Jonathan Meiburg is a part-time ornithologist, for real. He’s spent periods living on the remotest islands of this planet studying birds and when he’s not studying birds he’s just hanging out in extremely remote places writing great songs and music it seems.
As a Shearwater fan this information shed a lot of light on where Shearwater’s recent trilogy of records have come from. Obviously the cover of Rooks should have rang bells but it was winter and I sleep in the winter. Informed by places, environments and peoples on the brink Meiburg has attempted daringly to channel this into his music and with spectacular results. “Palo Santo”, “Rooks” and “The Golden Archipelago” are essential listening for any modern rock music lover. From their beginnings as an alt-country side project of Austin’s Okkervil River started by Meiburg and Will Sheff, Shearwater has since grown it’s own wings so to speak.
Anyway, coming back to us so soon after February’s show at Magnet, the old one, Shearwater take their accomplished live show to Comet Club. If you miss it, you’re for the birds.