Nina Nastasia comes back to us almost six months to the day after her last show at 101Admirals Palast which was an intimate evening of acoustic songs, storytelling, whiskey drinking and trying to get the uptight crowd to loosen up by offering them her whiskey bottle …well, that’s what happens if you give people comfy chairs.
This shouldn’t be a problem at NBI where even Damien Jurado recently sshhhhed the douchebags at the bar who spoke too loudly into reverent attention. Nina should have no problems doing likewise and even though we all really hope she’ll have a band with her to make it that bit more special we know it’ll still be ace. I just hope she stands up cos the sitting thing kind of defeats the purpose at NBI.
Looking forward to it as I’m sure you are too, so first there on the night steal the performers chair and we got us a gig!