A dose of goth/industrial noise at K17 yet again with Alien Sex Fiend so if you’re missing being teenage and listening to this awful shit then K17 is the place for you…oops I do believe I just insulted the (remaining) goth population of Berlin.
It’s always hard to tell if there are any real goths left so I suspect bands like Alien Sex Fiend and Sisters Of Mercy only still exist as a means to take a quick census of the goth population; they tour every now and then and in the shadows the goths that have grown up and got jobs count the goths who’ve been missing in action since the last (semi) popular goth band came to town…it’s a very clever system devised between the Society for the Protection 0f Endangered Goths or SOCPEG for short, it is a worldwide organisation dedicated to ensuring the survival of goths, the most underappreciated of all musical dead ends/genres.