With what is definitely the naughtiest poster of the year, Jimmy Trash presents Trashfest V. I don’t think more needs to be said after being confronted with this poster every time you turn a corner in Berlin over the past week, it’s a must-go show. Good bands, djs and lord only knows what Jimmy Trash will spring on the (un)suspecting crowd of brave souls who made the mistake of wearing their Sunday best to a Saturday night gig hosted by Jimmy.
The epochial dawn has again blessed us with the period of honouring the young medicine man who sliced open my unconscious mother’s womb to save me from the toxic depths therein. To mark the transition into my 29th year of existence and prognosticated maturity we shall replace trash with flash and this time enforce a STRICT DRESS CODE for this years Trashfest.
All attendants will be expected to adorn their exquisite corpses with suitable fineries and a parade will be held down Skalitzer from the Regenbogen
Kino to the Bi Nuu where the party really starts.FESTIVAL PROGRAMME!
Hosted by David Deery and Jimmy TrashRegenbogenKino
Lausitzer Strae 22Doors open 19.0020.00 – Snffeltffs
21.00 – Sacred Travellers (afro-thai molam orchestra)
22.00 – Jimmy Trash Orchestra
+ VJ Wasted 19.00 bis 00.00Mobile Disco walk to:Bi Nuu
Im Schlesischen Tor00.00 – Happy Kids
01.00 – Zentrale Heizung of Death
02.00 – Chuckamuck+ massive afrobeat-psych afterparty Dj Freak Ass E + Mohair Sam + special guests
Entry 10 euros.
Snffeltffs – (Denmark)
Lower than lofi garage
http://soundcloud.com/snffltffsSacred Travellers – (All over the world, Earth)
Ethnodelic dance music, mixing thai molam and afrobeat, stunning dance music orchestra, HIGHLIGHT OF FESTIVAL DO NOT MISShttp://soundcloud.com/broeckel/the-sacred-travellers-live-at-the-ausland-juke-joint
Jimmy Trash Orchestra –
Be able to really say, I WAS AT THEIR FIRST SHOW and have eternal indie bragging rightsHappy Kids – (Vienna)
How do these guys mix minimal 80s tape culture industrial with 60s garage trash? Probably cuz its all the same chords. DANCE AHOY!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ep0gEUQis8Zentrale Heizung of Death (Des Todes) – (Erfurt)
Our favourite german musical companions, the only band that has played next to Jimmy Trash more times than Ty Segall. They are family now!
http://zentralheizungofdeath.blogspot.de/CHUCKAMUCK – (Berlin)
The one, the only, saviours of the Berlin punk scene, those Rimbauds of powerchords, devil-may-care romantics, you know who i mean….
http://chuckamuck.tumblr.com/VJ WASTED – Hamburgs LEGENDARY VJ will be showing his gorgeous scopiotones in the Regenbogen Kino
Dj FREAK ASS E – Tricksters resident Afro-Thai-world disco dj killer and Mohair Sams New Orleans second line doin the afterparty into the wee hours