There’s too much rain this summer here in Berlin, too many rain-umbrellas and galloshes and not enough tanned skin and t-shirts and people looking stylish walking down the street with what passes for that just-come-back-from-the-beach look here in Berlin, given that people here only have the mucky Spree to swim in and the just-come-back-from-swimming-in-the-Spree look will never be cool since ear infection and rashes are quite the downer.
In an effort to appease the angry, angry weather gods, to calm their mighty fury and seemingly unquenchable desire to dump ever greater amounts of water on our heads, Fuck The Rain! Festival has been spontaneously assembled. Bringing together some of the sunniest acts from both Europe and overseas, this is your Saturday night protest against bad weather and always keeping an umbrella handy, a protest where the angry signs are written in awesome folk & indie.
RAY MANN (Sydney)
JONA BYRON (Melbourne)