Canadian Warp signee Babe Rainbow is a strange man. We’re not sure how strange, since we’ve never had the opportunity or inclination to peer too closely but we’re sure his normal day is punctuated by the strange things he does. We’re sure he does them. We’re sure. We’re sure that he stands at the front doors of hospitals wishing everyone who goes in a “pleasant voyage”. We’re sure that he crawls into the freezer cabinet in the supermarket and insists to passers-by that he’s produce and must be consumed. We’re sure that he laughs at socially innappropriate moments and thinks that every planet, including this one, is just a spaceship hurtling through space, only smiling inscrutibly when its passengers ask of their destination. We’re sure.
While all of that might not be true, no matter how sure we are, what we can say for certain is that Cameron Reed aka Babe Rainbow, along with his laptop and urge to unnerve, makes it to Berlin for a show at Naherholung Sternchen. Supports on the night come in the form of Rangleklods out of Denmark doing a similarly disarming electronica thing and the Lykke Li’esque Butterclocks. Enjoy also a live performance piece from the creature named Yuki and the whole night is supported by DJs Bokonon, Mino and Rafael Finns (E’de Cologne).
Yes, we’re sure.