It’s kind of difficult to explain, so we’ll start at the beginning.
These people in New York put on this event or festival thing called The Maze, being the literalists that they obviously are, they actually constructed a maze out of whatever they could find and invited people to come and look at it. That not being really amazing enough, they at some stage after building the Maze went and got a whole bunch of bands to come and perform inside the construction. Kind of like an environmental art & musical experiment as much as it ended up a block party.
So some kids heard about this fun and thought the idea might be something that Berlin would get into, seeing as people here like music and they like art and they like repurposed space & objects and they like them all even more when they’re all occupying the same physical space at the same temporal time. So a Maze is being constructed here in September in le West Germany, where a whole bunch of bands will play over the course of a week and everyone will be happy. But this is not the end.
Thinking ahead they’re thinking that to build the maze right, they’re going to need some money, so here we go in June with the start of the fundraising program leading up to the construction phase later in the year. SO, in that light, the wonderful people at West Germany along with the other, also wonderful, people across the Berlin art community are holding an art auction where you can buy ace original works, with the monies supporting the festival in September. The schtick with the artwork in this case is that all of the pieces will be copies/odes/tributes to other more famous art works, hence their tagline “First We Fake Berlin”, which you have to admit is a pretty fun and interesting idea, at least we think so, and we’re notoriously difficult to entertain. It’s a temporary art show in West Germany followed by an auction supporting the Maze festival in September this year with all the artwork being in some way creatively inspired by internationally famous pieces. Quite a lovely idea.